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Faculty List




MA, MPhil

Articles in Periodicals

Sl.No. Title Name of Periodical Periodicity Date
1 Supermodels in the Making Society Monthly 01/05/2004
2 Any Rubbish I Write Gets Published: Khushwant Singh Comes Clean Society Monthly 01/05/2004
3 Fashion Fame Society Monthly 01/01/2004
4 Horse Play Society Monthly 01/01/2004

Articles in Journals

Sl.No. Title Name of Journal Date of Publication Volume No/Issue No/Page No
1 The Politics of Cultural Homogenization and Territorialization: An Analysis of the Representation of the Northeast in Tinkle?s Wing Star Series Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities 01-May-2022 14 / 2 / -

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Sole
Author Name (s) RENU ELIZABETH ABRAHAM (604)
Title of Article The Politics of Cultural Homogenization and Territorialization: An Analysis of the Representation of the Northeast in Tinkle?s Wing Star Series
Name of Journal Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities
Volume No 14
Issue No 2
Page No -
URL http://rupkatha.com/
Date of Publication 01-May-2022
2 Agency and Self Expression: Fan Writing as Life Writing Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities 27-Jun-2021 13 / 2 / 1-13

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Sole
Title of Article Agency and Self Expression: Fan Writing as Life Writing
Name of Journal Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities
Volume No 13
Issue No 2
Page No 1-13
URL http://rupkatha.com/
Date of Publication 27-Jun-2021

Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Symposium

Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Conference Moderator/Chair ?Lost Found in Translation: Transcreation, Adaptation, and Interpretation? 04/03/2025 Christ University International
2 Conference Participant Contemporary Discourses on Displacement and Identity 13/02/2025 Christ University International
3 Conference Moderator/Chair Illness, Wellness & Fitness: Rethinking Medical Humanities in the Age of Precarity 20/01/2025 Christ University National
4 Conference Presenter International Conference on Litetarture, Society and Global Media Generative AI and the ?Postanthropocentric?: A Critical Reflection on the Post-literary and Technoutopian Digital Media 13/09/2024 Jain University International
5 Seminar Moderator/Chair Urban Labyrinths: Cultural Perspectives on City Spaces 16/03/2024 Christ University National
6 Conference Presenter Modernities Redefined: Perspectives from South Asia Creating a Sustainable Eco-verses: Negotiating Climate Emotions through Eco-Storytelling 22/02/2024 Gitam University International
7 Conference Moderator/Chair Ecospective: Ecological Discourses in South Asia 11/01/2024 Christ University National
8 Seminar Presenter Posthumanism: Towards a U/(Dys)topia Generative AI and the Postanthropocentric: A Posthumanist Reading of Technocentric Creativity 14/11/2023 University of Calicut International
9 Symposium Participant Translation in the Indian Scenario: Practices and Promises in the Twentieth Century 09/10/2023 Christ University National
10 Seminar Panelist A Seminar on A Prelude to Indian English Literature 07/09/2023 St Phiomena's College, Mysuru Regional
11 Symposium Participant Cinematic Cultures: Intersection of Film and Society 25/03/2023 Christ University National
12 Conference Moderator/Chair Vachana 23: Fol-verse: Exploring Folk Cultures in the 21st Century 10/01/2023 Christ University National
13 Conference Moderator/Chair Wonderland of Pictures and Conversations: Reimagining Children in/and of Graphic Narratives from East Asia 27/10/2022 Christ University National
14 Seminar Panelist Lumiere O Lit A Seminar on Exploring Cultures and Society in the 21 Century Literature 12/09/2022 Bangalore City University National
15 Symposium Panelist Research Colloquium on 'New Approaches to Children's Literature' 28/01/2022 Shreemati Nathibhai Damodar Thackeray Women's University, Mumbai National
16 Seminar Participant NEP: The Road Ahead - "Transforming Higher Education in India" 27/01/2022 Christ University National
17 Conference Convenor International Conference on Children and Childhood: Imaginaries in Children's Literature and Films in India and Other Asias 11/11/2021 Christ University International
18 Conference Presenter International e-Conference on Contemporary Trends and Development in Cultural Studies and the Humanities Decentred Fandoms: Theorising of Online Hindi Television Fandoms in India 22/10/2021 New Literaria; Department of History, Humanities and Society, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy and Department of English, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur, India International
19 Seminar Participant Rethinking South India: Cultural Traditions and Knowledge Structures 11/09/2020 Manasa Trust and Kateel Ashok Pai Memorial College, Shimoga National
20 Conference Participant Translation and the Glocal: Texts, Identity, Politics and Cultural Survival 27/08/2020 Department of English, Karim City College, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand International
21 Seminar Participant Journeying through Wonderlands: What's so Popular about Alice and Tintin 21/08/2020 Department of English and IQAC, Shyamprasad College, Calcutta National
22 Seminar Participant Recontextualizing Gender 01/07/2020 Marivanios College, Trivandrum International
23 Conference Moderator/Chair Synthesize Interdisciplinary Conference 11/12/2019 Christ University International
24 Seminar Panelist Writing for Media and Research Heuristics 14/10/2019 Acharya Institute of Graduate Studies National
25 Symposium Participant Rethinking English Studies: The Cultural Turn and Its Possibilities 14/02/2019 Christ University National
26 Conference Presenter National Conference on English Language Teaching, Literature and Cultural Studies Fan Writing and Identity Formation: A Reading of Fan Writing as Life Narratives 28/12/2018 RIESI, Bengaluru and ELTIF, Thalassery National
27 Conference Presenter Synthesize: An Interdisciplinary Conference Fan Writing and Identity Formation: A Reading of Digital Fan Writing as Life Writing 18/12/2018 Christ University International
28 Seminar Presenter Life Writing as Social History: Reading Across Cultures Fan Writing as Life Writing: A Deliberation 12/04/2018 Kuvempu University National
29 Seminar Presenter Creative Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Children's Edutainment Magazines and Holistic Development: A Study of the Acquisition of Social and Cultural Capital in Children 12/12/2017 Department of English, Sullamussalam Science College, Areacode International
30 Conference Presenter Macaulay to Globalization: Shifting Perspectives of English classrooms in Indian Higher Education in the 21st century Practicing Cultural Studies in English Studies Classrooms 10/11/2017 Christ University National
31 Seminar Panelist Consuming Cultures: Representations and Discriminations 18/03/2017 Christ University National
32 Seminar Moderator/Chair Mayabazaar: Re-framing the Hero in the Cinemas of India 16/03/2017 Christ University National
33 Conference Participant Synthesise: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Management and Social Sciences 10/03/2017 Christ University National
34 Seminar Participant A Big Little World: Perspectives on Children's Literature in India 21/02/2017 Christ University National
35 Seminar Participant Cosmpolitan Spaces: Indian Literature and Counterpoints of Modernity 03/11/2016 Sahitya Akademi and BGR, Christ University National
36 Conference Presenter Language Teaching and Literature "Amar Chitra Kathas and the Popular Culture Industry" 25/02/2016 Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain First Grade College National
37 Seminar Participant Protean Frames: International Seminar on Contempor 12/01/2016 Department of English, Christ University International
38 Seminar Moderator/Chair Narrating Centers and Peripheries: Minority Discourses in India 12/01/2015 Department of English, Christ University National
39 Seminar Moderator/Chair Mayabazaar: Re-viewing 100 Years of Indian Cinema 19/02/2014 Christ University, Department of English National
40 Seminar Presenter The Politics of Popular Culture: Current Trends in Popular Culture "The Implied Reader-Viewer Vs. the Real Reader-Viewer: A Study of the Construct and the Constructed in Amar Chitra Kathas" 10/09/2013 Marthomma College, Thiruvalla, Kerala National
41 Seminar Participant English Language in Higher Education 29/01/2013 Department of English, Christ University National
42 Seminar Participant Reading Indias: Narratives Discourses Imaginings 21/02/2012 Department of English, Christ University National
43 Symposium Presenter Christ University Forum of Humanities and Social Sciences Gender Constructions in Amar Chitra Kathas: A Perspectives 27/08/2011 Christ University Institutional
44 Seminar Participant Diasporic Writing: Themes and Concerns 18/03/2011 Department of English, Jyoti Nivas College Regional
45 Seminar Participant Thinking Subjectivities: National Seminar 09/02/2011 Department of English, Christ University National

Invited Talks

Sl.No. Title of the Program Name of the Program Date Name of the Institution
1 Feminisms in India: Theory as Praxis Invited Talk 10/03/2025 Chankaya University
2 Moving from Andragogies to Heutagogies in the Humanities Classroom FDP on Bridging Theory and Practice: Effective Teaching in English Studies 06/02/2025 Acharya Institute of Graduate Studies
3 Portfolio Making and Childrens book creation as a LCA FDP: Learner Centred Approach 09/11/2024 Christ University
4 Basic Techniques in Report Writing, Editing and Proofreading Guest Talk - Workshop 26/08/2019 St Claret College
5 Introduction to Literary Theory and Criticism Guest Talk 22/07/2019 St Claret College
6 Modalities of the Popular: Popular Culture as Dialectics of Class Conflicts and Resolutions Stuart Hall Memorial Lecture Series 11/02/2019 School of Business Studies and Social Sciences, CHRIST( Deemed to be University)
7 The New English Student: Transgression and Creation English Studies Orientation 22/06/2018 Department of English, CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
8 Popular Culture: An Overview Consuming Cultures 2017 18/03/2017 Christ University, Department of ENglish
9 Children's Literature and its Social Implications Inter-disciplinary Knowledge Sharing Session 11/03/2016 Department of Sociology and Social Work, Christ University
10 Academic Writing QIP 31/03/2015 Department of Hotel Management, Christ University

Own MPhil/PhD Thesis

Sl.No. Title Guide Name Institution Month Year
1 The Politics of Cultural Representation in Select Amar Chitra Kathas Dr. Shyamala A Narayan Jamia Millia Islamia, Central University February 2009

MPhil/PhD Guided/Adjudicated

Sl.No. Title Name of Student Institution Month Year
1 "Appropriation and Commercialization of Mythology: A Reading of Amish Tripathi's Shiva Trilogy" Lakshmi Dileep Christ University May 2016
2 "The Deified Celebrity: Understanding Representations of Celebrity Worship in India" Vidya Balakrishnan Christ University May 2016
3 "Emerging Feminist Perspectives in Select Novels of Kavita Daswani" Sreejata Paul Christ University
4 A Textual Study of Angst in Jean-Paul Sartre?s Nausea and Franz Kafka?s The Trial Vipin George Christ University May 2013
5 Globalisation and Indian Popular Fiction: A Select Study of the Works of Chetan Bhagat Ashna Mary Jacob Christ University May 2014

Research Project

Sl.No. Name of the Research Project Investigator(s) Sponsors Internal/External
1 Indian Children?s Magazine Fiction in English: Evolution and Development Internal
2 Indian Children's magazine fiction in English: Evolution and Development RENU ELIZABETH ABRAHAM Internal

Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended

Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Date
1 Explore: Endless Possibilities Christ University Higher Education Leadership Institute International 22/01/2025
2 Learner Centred Approach: Portfolio Making and Children?s book creation as a LCA Christ University, Bangalore Institutional 05/11/2024
3 Digital Humanities: Bridging Traditions and Technologies in Liberal Arts Jain University International 14/10/2024
4 Advancing Excellence in Higher Education: Vision, Curriculum, and Quality Christ University, Bangalore Institutional 16/09/2024
5 Graphic Novels and Comics as a New Pedagogical Approach Gokul Global University, Siddhpur National 01/01/2024
6 Research Methodology Department of English and Other Indian and Foreign Languages, VFSTR Deemed to be University, Vadlamudi, Guntur National 05/12/2023
7 Faculty Development Programme - 1 Christ University, Bangalore Institutional 26/06/2023
8 Curriculum Design and Revision Academic Staff College and Department of English and Cultural Studies Institutional 05/12/2022
9 Research Tools and Methodologies Academic Staff College and Department of English and Cultural Studies Institutional 01/08/2022
10 Workshop on Research Writing and Documentation Acharya Institute of Graduate Studies Institutional 18/07/2022
11 FIRST SEMESTER OPTIONAL ENGLISH SYLLABUS AS PER NEP 2020 IQAC & Department of English, SFS College in Association with Bangalore University English Teachers? Association & Government First Grade College, Vijayanagar,Bangalore Regional 14/01/2022
12 International FDP on Recent Trends in Professional and Research Writing Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, ITER and Rupkatha Journal International 15/04/2021
13 Erudite Lecture Series-1 Department of History 05/09/2020
14 An International Web Lecture Series IQAC & the Department of English 23/06/2020
15 Forum for Active Involvement in Research Government Arts and Science College, Kondotty 13/03/2020
16 Writing for Media and Research Heuristics Acharya Institute of Graduate Studies National 14/10/2019
17 Capacity Building for Constructive Alignment Christ University Institutional 03/10/2019
18 Instilling Research Rigour in Students Christ University-Media Studies 21/05/2019
19 Enhancing Pedagogic Practices, Research and Consultancy Christ University 20/05/2019
20 Promoting Research Among Students Christ University-BGR 20/05/2019
21 National Workshop on Developing learning Resources for Rural and Disadvantaged Learners RIESI, Bengaluru and ELTIF, Thalassery National 28/12/2018
22 Phenomenology and Grounded Theory School of Business Studies and Social Sciences National 02/10/2018
23 The Story Studio: Masterclasses in Storytelling and Writing for Children School of Business Studies and Social Sciences National 14/02/2018
24 Multidsciplinary Research and Academic Engagements School of Business Studies and Social Sciences Institutional 23/05/2016
25 Gendering Moving Frames Department of English and Suchitra Film Society Regional 09/01/2016
26 English Language and Literature in India: Approaches , Themes and Concerns CU-Academic Staff College 22/05/2015
27 Routledge Editorial Workshop 2014 Christ University and Taylor and Francis Group Regional 25/09/2014
28 Jabberwocky Department of English, Christ University, Bangalore-29 Institutional 13/08/2014
29 Research Concerns and Methods in Contemporary English Studies Department of English, Christ University 18/03/2014
30 "Corpus: A Workshop on Gender Discourses" Deapartment of English, Christ University Institutional 26/02/2014
31 Developing Learning Centred Curriculum Department of English, Chirst University Institutional 18/01/2014
32 Jabberwocky: A Literary Carnival Department of English, Christ University Institutional 20/08/2013
33 How to Write and Get Published in Scientific Journals and Publish Manuscripts Springer, Christ University and Edanz Regional 28/01/2013
34 Towards Quality Research for Research supervisors Department of English, Christ University Institutional 18/08/2012
35 Contemporary Issues and Challenges in Higher Education Christ University, Academic Staff College 25/04/2012
36 Effective Classroom Communication and Teaching Skills Christ University National 12/11/2009
37 Effective Classroom Communication and Teaching Skills CEDBEC, Christ University National 12/11/2009


Sl.No. Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others Description Organisation Month/ Year
1 UGC National Eligibility Test (NET) University Grants Commission 13 June 2011
2 Publication Publication of a Postcard review in a Scopus indexed Journal Vol. 59, Iss. 4, p. 68 Ibby 20 January 2022
3 Membership in English Language Teacher's Association ELT@I is the English Language Teacher's Association of India ELT@I 01 February 2022


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Email: mail@christuniversity.in

Web: http://www. christuniversity.in




CHRIST (Deemed to be University) is a nurturing ground for an individual's holistic development to make effective contribution to the society in a dynamic environment.

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